Five Highlights in 2019 at the CrossFit Asian Championships

At the beginning of May 2019, the Asian CrossFit Championship was held, when a lot of sportsmen from different countries and continents took part. Today we would like to recall the five most striking moments and conclusions that can be drawn from the event.

#1 Clear favorites dominated all categories

In each global event, there are always clear favorites and outsiders. Favorites are usually expected to come out on top at the end of the event, but there are unforeseen and unexpected turns of occasions. In 2019, there were no surprises – the favorite male and female sportsmen won the championship titles in all divisions. Moreover, the names of the champions were practically known after the first of the three days of the contest. Accordingly, those people who have not been among the favorites had to fight for second and third places.

#2 A couple of athletes managed to win the hearts of all the fans

CrossFit fans are always eager to see the incredible spectacle at the Championships. In 2019, that is exactly what happened. Two athletes managed to set the spirit of the entire tournament. One of them, a girl from the USA, having gone through a very long way of rehabilitation after an injury and got through the qualification to the Championship, showed shocking results of the competition. The second young man from Korea injured his hand while doing the exercises and was forced to finish his performance using only his right hand. This did not prevent him from getting the title of the winner.

#3 Completely unexpected victory for an Australian cross fitter

In 2018, Australia ranked 29th in the CrossFit Games and showed great promise for the future. His performance during the second day of competition at the Championship was impressive, earning him first place. Three rounds of eight testers, he passed with dignity. It is noteworthy that he took first place from the last winner, who received this title for three years in a row. Thus, the Australian declared his readiness for the 2019 season of CrossFit.

#4 Crews and 4 people from the Contest went to the CrossFit Games

CrossFit Games are dated August 2019. It was at this event that our heroes got there. This offer was presented to the crew and four single sportsmen at the awards ceremony and came as a complete surprise to all the selected athletes.

#5 Introduction of buzzers in the Championship

The 2019 tournament was the first in the history of CrossFit competitions when, instead of time chips, it was decided to use so-called buzzers for the convenience of the athletes themselves, when they could take control of their finishing time. Participants appreciated this course of events and supported the introduction of such a function in the future.


The first tournament complexes of Asia CrossFit Championship 2019 have been published
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